Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Having Fun with Fletcher

Elijah's words says it all - he told me that he loves Fletchie because he is his best friend! How sweet!! Fletcher spent the night and the boys had a wonderful time playing together. I love seeing the bond that the two of them share!

Cheesing for the camera:-)

Taking a break from playing at the playground!

Uncle Chris going over animal sounds with the boys.

Easter Fun in the Sun . . .

John and I on Easter at Aunt Annette's house. We had a good old fashioned Easter egg hunt and a wonderful dinner. It was a really nice day outside so Elijah had a wonderful day with all his cousins.
Prego and feeling good!

Elijah looking for eggs!

Elijah and Fletcher had a great time the weekend before looking for eggs at our community Easter Egg hunt.

Of course Easter wouldn't be the same without coloring eggs together.

All the Sisters!!

John and Elijah checking each other out:-)
Easter Egg Hunt Fun

Off to the community Easter egg hunt we go. Elijah and Fletcher didn't really know what it was all about but they sure were excited to go walking to the club house to see what all the talk was about.

Fletcher was brave enough to give the Easter bunny a hand shake and Elijah clinged to me in FEAR of the Big Bunny that could talk:-)! He wasn't having it!

We are blessed to live in a great family focused neighborhood. Lots of children and lots of fun was had by all! Plenty of Easter Eggs!!

Cheesing for the camera!

This is on Easter Day at Aunt Annette's house or as Elijah calls her - Aunt Nettie. We dyed eggs, had an old fashioned Easter Egg hunt, a wonderful feast, and lots of family fun. Uncle John and Uncle Chris did a great job in hiding plenty of eggs for the kids to enjoy. Elijah was helping me stuff eggs the night before until he got fired - he was eating too many jelly beans:-)

Elijah playing ball with his cousins.

Aunt Annette loving up the boys.