Tuesday, January 09, 2007


We went to NY to celebrate the Holiday with John's family. We left on Christmas Eve and arrived just in time for a Christmas party at Mom and Denny's house. Good food and lots of laughter filled the air. Elijah enjoyed bonding with his Grandma Plews and checking out all the cool stuff that Denny loves to collect.

Here is a picture that has been taken throughout the years - John with his siblings on the steps! We are truly blessed with a loving family. We had a GREAT trip. The sad thing is I had such a great time that I talked more than I took pictures so I apologize. So here are the FEW pictures I managed to take.

I think he is getting ready to say BALL. That was Elijah's first word . . . makes me feel warm inside . . . not Moma . . . BALL:-)

Elijah is maturing every day and is looking more like a little boy and less like our baby! He is so much FUN!

Elijah made instant friends with Sharon.

On New Years Day we hosted my family at our home. Elijah had an awesome time. Yep, I was chatting it up again but THANKFULLY Uncle Chris took matters into his own hands and took some family photos.

Aunt Libby and Mikayla - the two camera lovers of the family. Always ready with an awesome smile! Mikayla might just be our next model:-)

Another cutie and lover of the camera - Miss Taylor!

Elijah and cousin Fletcher hanging out and wondering what they will get into next.

Elijah with his cousins, Taylor, Malik, Christian, Mikayla, and Fletcher.

Now they are singing . . . OH, OH, OH . . .

The ladies posing for the camera!

Elijah got a hummer like his Uncle Chris and Daddy is working to get it out of the box.

Look at the boys working to get into the box. Dad where did you go?

What a cutie . . . Fletcher pondering what he will get into next!

Everyone hanging out relaxing!

We thought we would take a picture of all the kids face to face . . . well we thought it was a good idea . . . you get the idea.
We had a BLESSED Christmas and Holiday Season indeed . . .