Thursday, June 23, 2005

Elijah at One Month

Original Post from June 23, 2005

Today Elijah is One Month Old . . . where has the time went?? I simply can't believe that a month has went by already! What I've learned in this first month is . . . sleep when your baby sleeps, who cares about cooking dinner - pretzels sound good, showering at noon is acceptable, and talking to other mother's keeps you balanced.

Eli is a happy baby (even more so now that I know about Gas Medicine:-) At his last Drs. appt. he weighed 8 pounds 11 ounces but he has since started eating more so I feel he has to be a good 9 pounds or more now. He likes to be in his swing and laying on his play mat. He enjoys a binky (pacifier) that you can hear him smacking on from across the house . . . we call him Maggie (from the Simpsons:-).

John celebrated his first Father's Day and was too excited to see what Elijah got him - the Seinfield DVD series:-) Today Elijah went to see his Dad at work - how exciting . . . he slept the entire time . . . seriously - we even tried to wake him up and he wasn't having it:-)